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Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020

Summer Plans

  Hi! Sincerely I don't know what I will do this summer, although I would like to visit my family in Coyhaique and go to the Torres del Paine. But sanitarian conditions are not the best in the south of Chile, rather in all the country, probably covid-19 re-outbreak happen soon. So, I think that most of the time I will stay at my home in Santiago and maybe I will visit my cousins in Quilicura and other people that live in Santiago.  Normally, I never make plans for something, but apparently thanks to coronavirus I will have to plan what I will do this summer. Due to the pandemic, I haven't been out for a long time and for that reason I would like to travel a lot, I hope I can do it. I wish to go at least to the beach for one day because I really love the sea and coastal climate, also, of course, I love the food and I want to eat a "palmera". Honestly, the thing I want to do the most part of the summer is to party and dance a lot with my friends, I really miss doing it.